Sunday, March 28, 2010


“Integrity means to always remain within the highest possible parameters of probity, dignity, and professionalism. It encompasses trustworthiness, loyalty, virtue, sincerity, uprightness, honesty and candour. To remain the same to everyone maintaining steadfast values, focusing on and always doing what is right even if nobody is watching. It enables one to take full responsibility for one’s action and give credit to others for the good they have done.” ANNONY.


1. How well do you treat people from whom you gain nothing?
2. Are you transparent with others?
3. Do you role-play based on the person you are with?
4. Are you the same person when you are in the spotlight and when you are alone?
5. Do you quickly admit wrong doing without being pressed to do so ?
6. Do you put other people ahead of your personal agenda?
7. Do you have unchanging standard for moral decisions, or do circumstances determine your choices?
8. Do you make difficult decisions even when they have a personal cost attached to them?
9. When you have something to say about people, do you talk to them or about them?
10. Are you accountable to at least one other person for what you think, say and do?


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